Welcome to Fielding Graduate University! In this course, you'll connect with faculty and students, learn how to navigate our academic technology, reflect on the doctoral level competencies, and learn more about the EdD Curriculum.
Oral and Digital Communication is the second of the three courses in the Effective Communications Learning Area. The overall goal for this course is to use your existing communication skills to help you make effective presentations. We will do this by helping you identify your strengths as a communicator and by helping you identify your learning style(s). These two activities will be a basis to select authoring software to make effective presentations. Our focus on presentations is intended to move you more fully into the realm of being an authentic information and knowledge producer as opposed to being only or primarily an information consumer.
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Write a concise and interesting paragraph here that explains what this course is about
Write a concise and interesting paragraph here that explains what this course is about
Write a concise and interesting paragraph here that explains what this course is about
Instructor note: While the course description focuses on biliterate students in K-12, this offering of ELC 740 will be adapted to focus on curriculum development at all levels of leading and learning (including formal educational contexts and other learning environments). Students will have the opportunity to design learning experiences for whatever context they choose. Examples include: a college course, new student orientation curriculum, online course (outside the educational context), scholarly presentation, dual language class, etc.

Educating emergent biliterate students to succeed in a global society involves understanding the whole child, including the knowledge and resources children and families bring to their educational experience. This course will prepare educators to apply the conceptual framework known as the community funds of knowledge to curriculum development for implementation in a dual language classroom setting. This approach applies the knowledge and experiences of students’ homes and communities to classroom instruction.

Standards based curriculum units for emergent biliterate students will be explored through the application of high-level critical thinking skills through collaborative classroom structures, the use of protocols, and technology. Educators will engage in developing cross-cultural competencies while learning to apply them in the classroom. Today’s educators recognize that valuing students’ community funds of knowledge and its integration in the curriculum generates greater engagement in student learning. The course exploration of curriculum development and classroom teaching and learning strategies that engage students through the application of community funds of knowledge practices will result in a project that integrates the course learning.
Write a concise and interesting paragraph here that explains what this course is about
Write a concise and interesting paragraph here that explains what this course is about
Write a concise and interesting paragraph here that explains what this course is about
Write a concise and interesting paragraph here that explains what this course is about